
Hi, friends!

So, the floors aren’t finished yet, mostly because it requires that we (me and baby, especially) vacate the premises for a few days while the poly is being applied and stay gone until it dries,  but that’s on the short list of things to do.  In the interim, D has been working to get the doors ready for cold weather.  We got a new front door that we are ecstatic about, mostly because it isn’t a metal fireproof door that has no business being on a sun porch.  I don’t even have a picture readily available because I hated the door so much.  No worries, though, I found one in about ten seconds on Google.

This isn’t our door, but it’s the exact same one.  It’s now living at someone else’s house thanks to the “free” section on Craigslist.

We had the door (and those big double doors, too, but more on that later!) pre-hung, to avoid having to build a jamb here at the house.  Here are my two favorite folks admiring it before grandpapa came over to help.

D. and his dad doing … stuff. I’m not sure what the process entailed, but I know there was a new threshold involved, and lots of cussing. Probably.

I didn’t want to get in the way, but I needed to snap a few “during” photos to document the process.  These two work harder than anyone else I’ve ever met. Ever. Get them together, and you have a force of nature.  I’m so thankful to have a husband and a father in law who are so capable.  My husband spends every waking hour working in some fashion; if he’s not at his day job, he’s working to make this house better for his family – always  better, always working, always improving.  I’m so grateful that our daughter will learn the value of a strong work ethic because of his example.  We are quite lucky. The beauty of his work is a testament to the skills he has and the skills he has developed over the course of this project.  He’s an artist and my very own hero.

